These types of sentences are conformed by an auxiliary verb and the verb of the sentences.
Frase verbal =Verbo principal + verbos auxiliares
Ejemplos sencillos de frases verbales
"They are playing now in the beach"
("Están jugando ahora en la playa)
Study + must = must study
"Maria must study hard to pass de examen"
(Maria debe estudiar mucho para pasar el examen)
Going + am/ am going
I am going to visit my family next week
("Voy a visitar a mi familia la próxima semana")
Move +Will = will move
"They will move to a new house"
(Ellos se mudaran a una nueva casa)
Rainning + was = was rainning
"It was raining hard Yesterday"
(llovía duro ayer)
Writing + is = is writing
"She is writting a novel"
(Ella esta escribiendo una novela)
Walking + stopped = Stopped walking
he stopped walking in that corner
He has been
waiting for more than an hour.
("El ha esperado más de una hora.)
is + living = is living
Samuel is living in valledupar now
(Samuel vive ahora en Valledupar)
Play + can = can play
My friends can play volleyball very well
(Mis amigos pueden jugar muy bien al voleibol)
Finish + should = should finish
I should finish early because I have to work later
(Debo terminar temprano porque después tengo que trabajar)

Speak + can =can speak
Laura can speak french very well
(Laura puede hablar muy bien el francés)
Imágenes tomadas de la web
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